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Digital Camera Memory Cards Oh No I Have No Place To Store My Pictures

Before a person buys a camera, its memory capabilities need to be fully understood as there are many different types - plus we need to know how much memory is needed and which is best for that particular camera. Digital camera memory is extremely essential, yet overlooked the majority of the time when consumers are making their purchase. The most common form of such memory is a memory card. Each memory card has a fixed capacity and can store a certain number of pixels.

After that, the memory card needs to be cleaned -- that is the photographer needs to delete the images to create space to shoot new photographs. The camera's memory is considered its key component, as it works for a temporary receptacle of photographs that are taken from a camera. When the camera is first purchased, it comes with extremely low capacity memory cards, so right away one or two larger capacity cards need to be purchased. After the shoot, the photographer can then transfer or download the pictures into a computer or laptop, and delete the pictures from the camera's memory. The memory can then be used to store fresh photographs, which is a useful and convenient feature of the memory card, making it very valuable to all levels of photographers. There is not a "fixed amount" of images or photographs that can be put on any of the memory cards - many things will influence that number, such as different file types, the amount of compression used, and basically what the image is about.

Probably the best thing to do would be to check on the manufacturer's site for information on the card for reference points and tips. Some photographers suggest one or two 256 megabyte compact cards if the camera is a 3-5 megapixel compact digital camera. Of course, if the shoots are of high resolution TIFF or RAW files, the cards should be 512 megabyte or even one gigabyte card. However, it becomes necessary to use higher capacity memory cards as the mega pixel count (resolution) of the camera increases. Some of the small size cards have a memory capacity of 64MB, and are not suitable enough to save very many high resolution pictures. To shoot such pictures, photographers need to use memory cards of 1 GB capacity or more.

If anyone has worked around computers or cameras much, the fact any file can be corrupted, lost, or stolen, should come to no surprise. The memory cards for the cameras are most certainly no different, so always do a backup or two on other cards during the shoot. The valuable data of the photographs would make this an important step as compared to losing them entirely. The type of digital camera and the number of stored pictures that it can handle, has a lot to do with each other. Depending on the type of digital camera desired and its number of pictures to be stored, the digital camera memory can be available in many different shapes and configurations - memory cards are entirely dependent on the requirements of the digital camera.

For example, a compact flash type 1 digital camera memory needs to be used for a camera using compact flash type 1. For rugged and extremely physical work, the small and low cost Flash Digital Camera memory is the most suitable. Most of the memory cards come in sizes 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB and 1GB capacity. Photographers can optimize the use of memory cards by using the JPEG format to store photographs, as they take less space but are not as versatile as RAW formats are, which take up more space. Also, this may allow them to save more photographs, also leading to a loss of picture quality.

To be on the safer side, one should buy one 256 MB or two 128MB memory cards. This probably will provide enough memory space to meet the photo shoot requirements. But more is always best - especially when we are purchasing memory cards.

Check out for more articles on digital camers and digial camera.


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