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ArtistsValley launches its first Stock Icon Collection with unique icons

ArtistsValley launches its first set of Professional Icon Collection with 4699 beautiful amazing looking icons. Professional Vista Software Collection was launched on April 1st, 2008 with a total icon count of 4699 icons, and icons ranging from Document Icons, Folder Icons, Media Icons, Web Directory and Internet related icons. This icon collection is targeted for any WebMaster, Software Developer, Interface designer or Web Designer. . .

Perfectly Hand crafted icons of all sizes (16x16 icons, 24x24 icons, 32x32 icons, 48x48 icons, 72x72,128x128 icons and 256x256 icons) in 3 icon states (Regular, HOT and Disabled) and in 5 different file formats. Visit to see previews of alll these beautiful icons. .Our 16x16 all the way to 256x256 icons are prefectly optimized and hand cleared so that whereever these icons are used, it would shine with all its glory!In addition to the crisp and clear, graphically enhanced 16x16 tool bar icons and 24x24 toolbar icons, we also provide you with beautiful and crisp 32x32 icons, 48x48 icons that are perfect as any desktop application icons.

. .With a broad number of crisp and beautiful icons to choose from, you can have have your application look like any other professional software or website. Check for more previews on our website. . .

Professional Vista Software icons v1.0 is the first set of many pristine looking Stock Icon collections.These including releases for Web Directory Icons, Software Applications, Multimedia Icons and much more. .

Download our sample 5 professional icons package for FREE! Experience our designs and use it in your applications as Royality FREE icons. Visit our professional icons website for more details. .Please Note, the zip file available for download is only a 5 of the 4699 icons.

To Buy the entire Collection, please visit .

Have a great day!.

ArtistsValley specializes in a vast variety of fields and strives to give that prisitine and clear "look" you have always desired for your application. Our services include Custom Vista syle icon, XP style icon, Mac style icon, Website Design, Custom Web or Application Graphics, Application Icon Design, Software Interface Designs, Logo Designs, 3D Software Box Designs and much more... visit our website at for more details.


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